To end the month on a good note, I bring you a recipe from Francisca Nogueira: squid with sweet potato covered in coriander sauce. This is one of those super simple recipes to make and the best part is that it takes very few ingredients and it's delicious!
1 large sweet potato - 800g defrosted squid (option: chicken, fish, tofu)
coriander (option: parsley, basil)
lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
Dice the potato and cook for 15 mins
While the potatoes are cooking, cut the squid into strips and place them in a non-stick frying pan with nothing else in it. The water that will be released is enough to avoid sticking or burning
In a food processor, add the coriander, the lemon juice, the salt and the olive oil and blend everything until you obtain a more or less uniform sauce
At the end, after the potatoes and squid are cooked, let them cool down to their natural temperature
Mix the potatoes with the squid and mix everything with the sauce
Enjoy your meal !