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What are the hours of live classes?Live classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 pm. However, all monthly subscription members will have access to the recording in the members area within the site. If you buy a single class, you will not have access to the recording.
What does a subscription to the B Body Lab give me access to?With the monthly or annual subscription you will have access to live classes that take place twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 pm), the recordings of these classes and even shorter and localized classes. In addition, all members receive a weekly training plan with a combination of full classes and short classes available on the website.
What material is needed for classes?You just need a chair or something to support you and replace a ballet bar, as well as a mattress. In Thursday's class, weights are still used, but it's completely optional. These weights can be homemade (eg two 1 kg rice packs).
How do I know if these classes are for me and my fitness level?All classes are given options for the same exercise that students can and should choose based on their physical drive. For this reason, the class can be taken by all people, as long as they are healthy and with the possibility of mobility.
I've never done Ballet, can I take the B Body Lab classes?"Yes, everyone can take the B Body Lab classes, even if they have never done Ballet. After subscribing you will have access to a video within the members area with the explanation of the basics for our classes. You will have access to this video in "members area", in the "Ballet Fitness Basics" tab.
O que é o Teacher License?É a formação intensiva, que culmina numa avaliação final (teórica e prática), que te dará acesso ao certificado final como professor oficial de ballet body.
O que inclui o programa do Teacher Training?Inclui a formação intensiva com a Sofia - Teachers Licensa, que te dará acesso à licença como professor certificado. E ainda a 6 meses gratuitos do Teachers Academy, onde poderás ter acesso às aulas para dares aos teus alunos, assim como playlists, e workshops para aperfeiçoares a técnica.
O que é o Teachers Academy?É a plataforma dedicada aos professores, onde vais conseguir ter acesso a 3 aulas novas todos os trimestres: ballet barre, ballet HIIT e cardio e ballet flow. Terás ainda acesso a playlists para estas aulas e workshops dados por mim para que possas melhorar a tua técnica enquanto professor. Terás ainda acesso ao logotipo, códigos de cor e fonte principal da marca para que possas utilizar também nas tuas comunicações.
Ao que tenho acesso após o programa do Teacher Training?Assim que passes a fase da avaliação és oficialmente um professor de Ballet Body certificado e podes dar aulas presenciais em espaços que conheças ou em espaços sugeridos por nós. A partir do momento em que finalizas o curso estás na base de dados de professores do ballet body, pelo que poderás ser chamado para dar aulas a qualquer momento, se estiveres interessado.
Qual a duração da licença enquanto professor certificado?Após o curso tens a licença ativa num período de 6 meses, que corresponde com os meses em que terás acesso gratuito ao teachers academy. A partir dessa data deverás continuar a subscrever o teachers academy para continuares a poder dar aulas como professor certificado e a aceder às aulas, lançadas trimestralmente.
Is there any loyalty?There is no loyalty. The customer can cancel the plan whenever he wants, however, if he had obtained a discounted value from a campaign, he will lose that right.
What day is the monthly fee debited?If you subscribe to the plan that offers you 7 days free, the amount will be debited on the seventh day from which you purchased the plan. If the debit day is, for example, June 8th, the next debit will be July 8th.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?Yes. Just click on "My subscriptions" in the upper right corner of the site, after logging in. On this page you can unsubscribe.
When is the bank details available for a debit within the first 7 days?No. During this period, no debit is made, however, if you wish to cancel the subscription, you must do so until the sixth day, because the debit is made on the seventh and last day.
Can I suspend my subscription and come back later?It is not possible to suspend a subscription. You can only cancel and return when you wish, however, we warn you that the subscription price may change.
I can't pay, my card doesn't work, what now?"When you can't pay with your card, it has to do with your bank's permissions. In that case, we ask that you speak with your account manager or choose another payment option.
What payment options do I have?You can pay for our plans by credit card or paypal. If your card doesn't work, you can still create an MB Net card for recurring payments in the MB Way application and use this payment method.
How can I subscribe for 7 days free?Just click on the monthly or annual plan and, if it's your first experience at B Body Lab, you'll have immediate access to the 7 days. You can access the plans page here.
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